Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Trying to get organized.

 One of the things I'm trying to do before I exit my full time job is get organized at home.  Frankly since I work full time it's easy to say oh well x can just be let go because I work and I just don't have time to do it.  Well what happens when I do actually have time to do it?  I've started looking at different home management binders and trying to determine what will work for me and our house.  

My cleaning schedule is a little relaxed and frankly the house isn't as clean as I would like it to be, but I have prioritized Sprout more than keeping a pristine house.  I know schedules will help until I get into a good routine.  The first of the schedules is going to be the semi annual deep clean of our tiny house.  Decluttering will be a big part at first.  I don't plan on having a garage sale, but I do plan on donating to two separate groups that have garage sale fund raisers.  I don't mind hanging on to somethings if they go to good causes.

The office is my husband's domain, but this is his weakness so I'm probably going to take it back over.  A new filing system needs created to help out with this one.  

There are many more sections that I'm still deciding if they are good for me.  Meal planning is one of those that sometimes works at our house and sometimes not depending on if FarmBoy is on nights or not.  I'll definitely be cooking at home way more than before.  I'm working on recipes that we use now and will be adding more to the list.

Holidays are my thing so this one will be a bit more extensive than most people would do.  I love to decorate and cook and celebrate most major holidays in a big way.  I'd like to catalog the decorations and other items so it definitely will have a large inventory section.

There will be some sort of freezer and pantry inventory sections, but in our house they are important since I hateeeeee carrying in groceries in the winter.  I calculate extensively so all I have to do is the bare minimum when the weather is nasty.

I'm sure there are more things I'm leaving out and for me important documents, etc are going to be a whole separate binder.  In my opinion it should be all together where I can just grab it in an emergency.  Also so anyone in the house can find the important stuff if I'm not able to provide it to them.

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