Thursday, November 7, 2019

Winter volleyball and crazy continues

Well our week just gets crazier and crazier.  I haven't seen FarmBoy in 2 days.  He's on nights so he doesn't get off work until after I have been at work for a couple of hours.  He's finished cutting beans on Tuesday and has finally gotten everything moved home.  He's had several service calls that he's fit in where he could as well as sleeping some.  The last couple of nights he didn't get done until it was time to go to work.  I'll be glad when things slow down.  I miss him.

I drop Sprout at early care and head in to work.  I have picked her up all week too.  Evaluations for winter volleyball started Tuesday evening, but the season doesn't start until January.  She did pretty well on Tuesday and has more evaluations on Thursday and again on Monday evening.  She's excited, but also a bit scared that it's overhand serve only.  She's just learning to overhand serve and it's not very good.  Her previous coach had them doing the underhand serve only so this is totally new to her.  We will see how it goes.  I'm excited that she's making new friends and is not at all intimidated that there are lots of girls in this program.  This tells me she really is ready to move on to a public school and classes that have more kids.  She's navigating pretty well.

It seems like this week I have run from one thing to another.  Sprout and I did get some quiet time to play a board game last night.  I left work early yesterday to go have my annual mammogram and then headed to her school to pick her up.  Since I wasn't feeling well and FarmBoy wasn't going to be home we hit a drive through.  It gave me a chance to work on decluttering for a bit and then had time to chill and play a board game.  She needed the time with me to just talk.  She's navigating typical pre teen things like boys and peer pressure and such.  I'm glad we have the open communication that we do.

Oh I usually do a Thankful Thursday post, but I'm going to combine it with this one today since I really need to get some work done today. 

I'm thankful.....

  1. FarmBoy goes above and beyond to make sure we are provided for and are working toward our shared goal of paying off the house and transitioning me to part time work.
  2. That Sprout is improving in math and loves the videos that go with her current curriculum, but are from a teacher at the school she will be at in January.  
  3. That I haven't lost my mind this fall and haven't severely lost my temper either.  I've had a few moments of frustration, but nothing major.  
  4. That tomorrow is migraine shot day.  The new medicine really helps, but I notice it wearing off toward the end of the month and I'll be glad for the next round.
  5. That I'm actually making some head way in organizing the basement and decluttering the house.  I like to do this before the holidays really hit so I'm not so stressed.
  6. for all the little things that happen during the week that show me God loves me.  Like the sunrises and sunsets that I get to see in the car.  Their beauty reminds me that he creates things like that just for us to enjoy and that is amazing to me.
  7. That I get to go to Sprout's last feast day at school.  It's an annual tradition that I don't always get to go to.  I'll talk more about it later.
  8. That my current job allows me some flexibility in my hours to make all that has to happen at our house possible.
  9. That God is giving me the strength to keep going.  The migraines haven't been as intense and that helps me keep going.
  10. That I have a God that loves me and provides good things for me like a godly spouse and family always willing to help.

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