Thursday, July 11, 2019

Why food is important at the 4H fair

Strange title huh?  Most folks I talk to think we are lucky we can eat fair food all week.  You can only eat so much fried goodness before it becomes not so good for you.  In an effort to keep belly pains down I fix one meal a day and take it with us to the fair.  We live close enough to our fair grounds that we eat breakfast at home so I'm generally packing lunch.  Also it keeps things a bit calmer on show days to not be running from booth to booth to gather food.  Sometimes the time between shows is tight and it just makes the day run smoother.

Let me give a little background to some of the set up at our fair.  We are allowed to have popup tents and have sort of a home base to hang out in while we are at there.  We are usually between our beef barn and horse barn because the ground drains well there and it's close to our livestock.  That is also important if I need power to run a crockpot, griddle, etc.  Some folks put a small refrigerator with their tack to keep drinks, etc. cold.  We haven't done that in the past, but it is always an option.  Usually I prepare a daily cooler and take it with us.  Because of what Sprout shows we start checking animals in on the Friday afternoon before the fair opens on Saturday and our last animal leaves the following Friday after the dairy open show.  Animals will come and go during the week depending on the show schedule.  We do go home at night.  There is no camping at the fair grounds.

So what do I feed the crew.  Here is my list for this year:
Saturday:  Chicken tacos and salad
Sunday:  Sloppy joes and chips
Monday: Ham salad and chips
Tuesday: Pulled pork and potato salad
Wednesday:  Salad day
Thursday:  Lunch meat and potato salad

I don't plan on anything for the last Friday because we are usually packing up and heading home by lunch.  I also have some staples that get packed every day like grapes, carrot sticks, cheese sticks, peanut butter, bread, and cookies.  I scratch make most of what is on my list and I pack generous amounts to share.  There is always family dropping in and out trying to see Sprout show.  Dinner unless she's still showing is fair food.  I can't deny pork burgers, corn dogs, ribeye sandwiches, etc. are mighty tasty.  I also do a post fair review of the food I took to see if I need to find something else to fix.  The list does change, but it has to be something I can feed a ton of people without a ton of  fuss.

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