Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thankful Thursday

I've been a bit off my game this last week and haven't really posted, but here's what I'm thankful for this week.
  1. My colonoscopy came out great and I don't have to have one for another 5 years.  
  2. FarmBoy survived my colonoscopy and didn't hurt the nurses who couldn't seem to get my IV in.  ( I was a bit dehydrated even though I drank everything I was supposed to.)
  3. Sprout's sheep are starting to walk nicely and we've started putting them on the stand for about 15 minutes each day. 
  4. Tomorrow is my company picnic at a water park.
  5. Sprout is starting to clean up more after herself.  ( She's home with Nanny1 most days now and actually cleans up before I get home without being prompted.)
  6. Sprout survived 4H camp with no injuries and actually wants to go again.  
  7. The barn is starting to take shape on what the final pen solution will be.  It's been a struggle to figure out the pen solutions since we are now keeping sheep for breeding and not just buying every year.
  8. It's finally getting warm and sunny here.  At least for a few days.
  9. We got the yard mowed.  It was getting to be a jungle.
  10. I got most of my winter clothes packed away.  My closet isn't big enough to have summer and winter in it so I pack away things depending on the season, but this year has been so cool that I wasn't sure I what I was going to pack away or unpack.

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