Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tuesday and Halloween week.

It's Tuesday and FarmBoy is on days so I get up and leave with the house all quiet and asleep.  It's kind of nice.  I'm a total introvert and like to have a quiet relatively stress free morning.  I'm only worried about myself and getting out the door.   FarmBoy takes Sprout to school on these days so he deals with the kid crazy.  That's allllll going to change at the first of the year when she starts to ride the bus.  I'm not looking forward to that at all.

It's Halloween week and Sprout is going trick or treating with friends.  It's supposed to snow here so I'm so glad her costume is a care bear.  She can pile on the clothes under it and be fairly warm.  We are all meeting for dinner before they drag us around the neighborhood.  It's our last one so I'm glad she's going with friends.  In our family when you hit junior high you are done.  I'll gladly buy you a bag of your favorite candy, but that's it.  Sprout says she's going to help Grammy next year and I'm good with that.  If Grammy lets her go out without me knowing that's between them.  I'm not buying a costume though that's on her.

At Sprout's current school they take Spanish and it's starts in kindergarten.  They will be talking about dia de los muertos or the day of the dead.  They focus mostly on the tradition and not that the ancestors come back to life part.  It's good for them to understand other holidays and they talk about the difference between what we as Christians believe.  The more information you can give a child the more they understand and I think it's good.  I'm sending in taco fixings, well street tacos.  Just enough for her class.  She's excited and that's what matters.  I'm hoping we can carve pumpkins tonight and get them out on the porch.  It's one of the things I love doing.  I'm not a fancy carver, but it's still fun.

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