Friday, October 25, 2019

Tech and my craziness!

Okay I'm a programmer and one would think that I am more with it on how blogging works, but...  I just realized that there have been several comments over the last year on my blog.  I really started this just for Sprout to be able to look back and see what has happened with her 4H and our life in general.  I didn't really even look at my settings.  I feel a bit bad for those who have commented.  I really am grateful that people are reading my rants especially since I don't really go all out to get it recognized. I'm chalking this up to being a learning experience today and I'll do much better in the future. 

This week we have been trying to finish up harvesting all with a school field trip and FarmBoy working nights.  I'm the taxi driver in the evenings when I get off work.  Sprout is the combine driver when school is out.  She's really taken to the role and I'm glad.  All of my husband's farm buddies are so thrilled with her.  There are a few times when FarmBoy has to go back to the bins with a load leaving her in the field, but there's always another farmer in a close field to keep an eye out for her.  The 2 way radios are full of their chatter to her and it makes me proud at how there is no complaining.  She just puts her head down and goes knowing that this is a big deal.  She's learning more why dad is late sometimes.  It all depends on how things are running and how the machine is running, etc.  She gets it now. 

Sprout's field trip was to a local park and ornithology center.  She had a blast.  They got to dissect owl pellets and she just jumped right in and was excited.  Several of the girls didn't want anything to do with it and I get it.  It's not for everyone, but the thing we tell Sprout is if you don't try things you will never know if  it's your thing.  This is also why I blog.  I wasn't really sure I wanted people knowing what all was happening at our house.  Truthfully I'm a bit of an introvert so I'm quiet until I get to know people.  This is the total opposite of that in my opinion.  I'm throwing it all out there without ever really knowing who or where my audience is.  I'm doing a real leap of faith in even trying to publish this.  If it ever makes money great, but if not that's okay to, but it definitely moves me out of my comfort zone.

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