Monday, October 7, 2019

Sad season of life

Last week I got a message that an aunt had passed away and unfortunately in the last few years it's not the first.  I realize I'm heading into the season where my elders are slowly leaving us.  I'm grateful that my dad is still here although he's not in the most wonderful health.  Mentally he's great, but physically the body is slowly going.  My kid is still pretty young and it's one of the harder things to have to tell her every time another one passes.  My uncle was a particularly hard one.  Gruncle (her great uncle) was close to her and she still misses him.  I have a pretty large extended family and have been pretty close to most of them.  I know it's just a season, but this season is not my favorite.  Most were Christians and I'm sure I will see them again, but each family get together there are fewer and fewer of them.   I'm not ready to be one the elders at these events, but I realize that I am.

This last week has been a bit depressing and since I've had a sinus infection it all just kind of fell in on me.  Sinus infections always increase my migraines so I'm just in general miserable.  I'm slowly on the mend, but still a bit fatigued.  Hopefully by the weekend I'll feel better.  The weather is definitely changing here with cool nights and the days slowly getting cooler too.  Harvest has slowly started in my area.  The late planting season has really stretched out the harvest.  Usually it's well on it's way, but not this year.  I'm ready for sweater weather and for bonfires and hayrides and such.  I've got some winterizing to do this week and one last review of my pantry before I say it's all good for winter.  Predictions in my area are for quite a bit of snow so I want to be ready for pretty much anything.  I'm hoping for some before her Christmas break so that she can have a sledding party.  She's at an age that it would be a ton of fun, but for now it's just a prediction and a dream.

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