Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Swimming swimming and livestock work

Sprout has made a bit of a break through with her swimming.  Her back stroke form has really improved and it seems like she's really flying through the water.  Her breast stroke has also improved quite a bit.  It's amazing at how much she's improved just since April when the long course for club swim started.  She's excited to get in the water most days and is really listening to the coach's suggestions.  Her freestyle hasn't had that break through yet, but it's coming.  She just needs to get the confidence to not roll so much on her side to take a breath and that will speed her up tremendously.  Diving off the blocks is still a bit rocky too.  He won't move her up groups until she can come off the blocks with better form.  It's totally a confidence thing.  She doesn't want to belly flop so she's hoping off the block instead of diving off.  I get it, but as I told her she's going to belly flop for a while until she gets the hang of it and then it will be less often.  

Sprout got out her dairy cow yesterday with Nanny2 for its first work and she did great. They are concentrating on just getting her to walk nicely.  As time goes on they will start setting her.  The steer just wouldn't cooperate and let them catch him.  He's gotten quite big so they have to be careful.  He's going to have to be tied up more to start calming him down.  It's a training method that is often used to settle cattle.  They are tied to a post and they can move some and get to water, but they are generally tied to where they stand or lay in one place.  It seems to mellow them for some strange reason.  Hopefully they will work sheep or pigs today too.  Nanny1 will be coming tomorrow and she will definitely get the steer tied up.  She could get him to do things last year so he probably will respond to her quite well.  

Last night I ran around and got feed paid for and picked up so there wasn't time when I got home to walk sheep.  If it's not raining tonight, we should have time to walk at least one sheep before swimming.  I'm ready for the rain to stop for just a little while.  

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